Whole School 1976 (photo and names courtesy of Declan Kelly)
Middle Row seated L to R: ??, J.McCay, D.Hateley, Fr Tutcher, Fr Pateman, Fr Cantwell, Brother Adrian, Fr Bowdren, R.Boot, G.Saunders, I.Cook, then first boy standing is C.Malbon.
Middle Row L to R: ??, C.Hargadon, L.Kelly, D.Kelly, M.Hargadon, G.McKinney, M.McCall, P.Munro, M.Cowell, P.McBrien, L.Hanlon, K.Cullen, D.Malbon, D.Norris, P.Jones, A.Jackson, R.Gardner.
On the row behind - 2nd in from right is J.Coleby, and behind D.Malbon is C.Taupin
Whole School 1976 (courtesy of Victor Chye)
Names in red are corrections to the first photo; done