Messages (newest first)

Maurice (Mos) Lyons: "I came across these links somehow having recently received a message out of the blue from Tom Egan. One of the photos is of our class being overlooked by Fr Swaby (I eat my peas with honey...) I am sat behind Stefan Lewicki, I also note Tom Egan on back row, Ged McNulty(RIP), Gene Tunney..
I think of you all often."
Maurice Lyons link

Paul Cunningham: "Hi John, hope you're well. I had major surgery on my neck in January but alas, didn't turn out well. Just to let you know, Peter Brownbill, a former Old Hugonian, has celebrated 30 years ordained to the permanent Diaconate, and serves Church of the Immaculate Conception, Flint. I'm still involved in local politics and as well as being Mayor of Flint, twice, as you know, I have also had the pleasure of being Chairman of Flintshire County Council too, in 2018.
I don't remember if I told you that Chris Holcroft had died several years ago.
Take care, it was a pleasure meeting you when I showed you around our historic Town Hall."
Paul Cunningham link

John Handford: "Was at College from mid 60's to 71. Had a great time made friends. Academically naf {dyslexia and all} but even so we had some fun. Not many photos from my years but still I remember some faces and of course the place."
John Handford link

Pol Curley: "I've just found this site. For those who remember my brother Phil, It is my sad duty to let you know that following two strokes, Phil died on 12/12/21. He was 56."
Pol Curley link

Javier Salido: "Hi, I'm another one of those Mexicans that people mention. I attended St. Hugh's in the mid 70's, with Chris Hargadon, Ian Gilkes, Paul Curley, Jeremy Scorer and others. Currently living in the state of Washington, U.S.A. Would love to hear from any of the boys, and if anyone comes to Seattle, please reach out."
Javier Salido link

Victor Chye: "I was in St Hughs's from Sep 1975 till Jul 1980. I was the first Malaysian student. In later years, other Malaysians who enrolled were Michael Ng, Steven Lim and Alex Then.
Classmates up to 5th form included Dave Thorneycroft, John Sweeney, Stephen Boot, John Quigley, Vincent McConachie, Tim Race, Martin Holden. For 6th form, only Liam Kelly, Duncan Saunders and Duncan Collins and myself.
I recall Duncan Saunders and myself winning a school tennis tournament (doubles) organised by Mr David Hateley. Think it was 1978 or 1979. No prizes awarded. Only bragging rights."
Victor Chye link

Paul Thorneycroft: "Would love to hear from any old boys who knew me back in the late 60's early 70's"
Paul Thorneycroft link

Anthony Pateman: "Paul Thorneycroft and his wife Penny are here with me and Brian Dazeley for lunch.
P & P live in Downham Market.
This is now my only email address."
Anthony Pateman link

✞ RIP Stephen Warnecke (Brass)
Danny Norris
Danny Norris link

Alan Fahey: "Just been looking at the video of college life. The video of cricket practice is interesting. The main character in the video is Shaun White. This was filmed at Nottingham Trent Bridge at the end of the season. We were lucky to have access to these facilities. Amazingly at the end of our training session Gary Sobers came in and wished us all well. He was playing for Notts at the time and was picking up his gear I think at the end of the season. I think it was about 1972."
Alan Fahey link

Tom O'Regan: "I have this list of contacts following the get together at Lincoln. I’m not sure how many will have known Canon David Caine, an old Hugonian.
Now for the sad news. Last weekend, I learnt that he was in a home with very serious dementia. His former Parish Priest went to see him and David had no idea who he was, yet they had been very good friends. Fortunately, he is in a home about 7 miles from where I live. Over the years we have kept in contact. I, therefore, went to see him with little hope of getting a response or recognition.
When I arrived he appeared to be asleep. The nurses could not get any response from him and suggested that I sat next to him and he might wake up. After a time, I held his hand and said, "David do you remember me?" His immediate response was, without looking up or at me, "Thomas". I was taken aback: he never called me Thomas but always Tom. After talking to him for a while with little success, I then showed him a photo of the cricket team we were both in at Tollerton. He pointed to various students and when I told them who they were, he seemed to remember them. When I pointed out Convey and reminded him that we called him "Titch", he found that funny. I asked him if he remembered Pete Hatton playing cricket and he told me "fast bowler". The best response of all was when I asked him if he could remember Dan Sweeney (our rector). He immediately did a take-off of Dan’s cough and a big smile came across his face. He gradually became more lucid but as he spoke very quietly and with slurred speech it was difficult to understand much of what he said. I won’t go on but I have to say that getting those responses from David was, for me, very special.
In contacting as many Hugonian old boys as I am able to contact, I hope that we can remember David in our prayers. With every best wish, Tom.
P.S. If you would like further up-dates, do let me know."
Tom O'Regan link

David Gill: "(1965-1968). I want to mention a few names that I have not found elsewhere on this site. I believe they are worthy of being remembered. Fathers Molyneux and Michael Mahon were both of them kind and gentle souls. In their own ways they added to the spirit of the college. Having worked in industry and even in charities I appreciate them more than ever.
Then Fr Bernard Shaw. I appreciate his wisdom and learning. It was a pleasure for me to visit him in his parish in Leicester (even if he could not remember me! I told him it was good for my ego.)
There is a native American saying to the effect 'If you speak my name, I shall live for ever'. These and many others we have known at Tollerton are people who will live in our hearts for ever."
David Gill link

Mick Cowell: "I came across this website recently (2021). I was at St Hughs from 1974 to 1976. I was probably known as Mick in those days and in the whole school photo (Page 3), I am the ?? in the middle row between P Munroe and P McBrien. I loved my time at St Hughs and made many great friends.
I was really upset to hear from the messages on your site that David 'Faz' Farrelly died a few years ago, he was a good friend amongst many others. I attended a small reunion at the college in 1996 which was great fun, Faz was there too. I have a photo of that reunion if you haven't already got it. Thanks for your work on this website, very interesting stuff!"
Mick Cowell link

Tom Shanahan: "Hello all. Just a quick up-date on the photo (on p.3) entitled "Poetry's Common Room" - the un-named person on the left, with cup to mouth, is me.
If anyone would like to get in contact, any time, I would be delighted to hear from them. Best wishes to all."
Tom Shanahan link

Kevin Clarke: "Nice painting of Dan. As you say his eyes are quite a feature and I can almost hear that distinctive cough of his. That aside, I do recollect being caned by Dan which was a somewhat extreme version of the more regular sessions from Reg. I don’t know whether Jod was the artist - he certainly did a portrait of John Berry, and, as I remember it, whilst smoking a significant number of his Black Russian cigarettes! Sadly Jod died some years ago as did his big friend Brendan (Decon) O’Conner. RIP to them both and to others we may be unaware of.
Looking ahead, I would welcome another get together to follow the Lincoln Anniversary ‘do’ which Anthony Pateman successfully organised recently and which he was planning to repeat before Covid overtook events. In practical terms I suspect that may be on a late 2022 wish list.
In the meantime would there be support for a St Hugh’s WhatsApp group? If so, I would be happy to set this up to suit people’s preferences, starting with the list I have plus whatever additional names Anthony P may have.
I am pleased to say that I have recently been contacted by Anthony Charlton and Timothy Smith who are both now Antipodean residents and enjoying it. I can let anyone have their contact details."
Kevin Clarke link

Tom O'Regan: "I came across a portrait of The Very Rev. Garret Daniel Sweeney (Dan) which is in St Edmund's Hall where he was Master for a while. Some of you may remember him at Tollerton or know of him. The Hall describes the artist as unknown. I cannot decipher the signature. Whilst I was at Tollerton I knew John O'Donnell (Jod) who drew very good portraits and painted some of the staff. I wondered if Dan had kept in contact with him. Does anyone still have contact with Jod? I have added a copy of the portrait [ here ]. Those eyes still seem to see through me! I had the highest regard for Dan and his many excentricities, I may have felt differently if I had been caned by him! I believe that he had a very big influence on my life."
Tom O'Regan link

John O'Brien: "I was a student between 1963 to 68 and was part of the Claretian contingent transferred from Buckden. Tollerton was a great college and my life has always been controlled by the bell ....I have to say that I really enjoyed my student years and although my memory is fading a bit I looked at the photos and film etc and its good way to recall all the good times and learning that have been an important part of my life since. We were very fortunate. I have to admit I did drop out to experience the hippie and non conformity of life back in late 60s which was a total contrast to the bell driven student life. I have run my own global business for last 20 years and married for 47 years and 2 daughters and two granddaughters, traveled the world and lived in USA and Canada and now back in UK...who would have thought!
I will check to see if I have any photos from the student days and send them in. If anyone is interested in contacting me ...I will be happy to connect!"
John O'Brien link

John Pritchard: "I spent 7 years at St Hugh's in the 70's. Best years of my life. Now a teacher in Qatar. Soon to retire after 40 years in the profession."
John Pritchard link

Phillip Curley: "I am afraid Robbie Wood is mistaken. The entire upper 6th form in 1982 consisted of myself and Thomas "Spud" Murphy. We did Latin, History, and French A-level and German O-level (Frau Boehm). I have now left HM Customs due to cancer and live in rural Lincolnshire. Apart from holidays in Australia every year."

Robbie Wood: "Hi to all. Great to see some old photos and surfacing memories here from Tollerton. I was there from day boy maybe 1976 (1 yr) to sixth form 82, with Guy Roberts, Aiden Pykett, Ian Gilkes and many more - including a big bunch of Mexicans!
My family still live in Grantham and my Mother in law in Nottingham, so I occasionally visit or drive by - been a while tho. Moving back to Notts soon so maybe will attend 2020 reunion.
Regards to all, Robbie"
Robbie Wood link

✞ RIP Sadly David Farrelly (Faz) passed away on the 21st of February 2016. A great friend to all that knew him at St. Hugh's. One of the best.
Ged McKinney

David Gill: "I was at Tollerton from 1965 to 1968 as one of the Claretian students who came with Fr Mahon and later Fr Jon Oria. I thought you might like to see this article on the next stage for the Hall with a £1m makeover:"
David Gill link

Kevin Sherry: "Thank you Alan for sharing the photos and videos of the 70th anniversary service. It was great to see Father, now Canon, Bowdren still looking so young and fit. I saw on the last pages of the service program, a list of people who had passed away. It was sad to see our old English teacher, David Hately, on the list. When did he pass away?"
Kevin Sherry link

✞ RIP Sr Eucharia FSM passed away on the evening of 05 January 2019 at the Franciscan Convent in Govan, Glasgow. Her funeral took place at the Friary of Blessed John Dun Scotus in Gorbals, Glasgow on Thursday 17th January 2019. "Tollerton and the boys always had a special place in her heart and of course her prayers!"

Ged Ellis: "These messages make me feel quite ancient. Michael Kerrigan and Anthony Charlton I remember quite well. The only ex-hugos I am in touch with now are Nigel Leaper and Canon Michael Bell. I live in Crystal Palace (the district!)."
Ged Ellis link

Tony Williams: "I attended St Hugh's College, Tollerton Hall between 1961 and 1965, and looking back, they were just great years, which I enjoyed immensely. I've never managed to keep in touch with any of my colleagues, which is sad. I just wonder if anyone now remembers me. Also sad the college no longer exists, such changing times, eh!"
Tony Williams link

✞ RIP Des Hurrion sadly passed away on 13 March 2018 in Guildford. His Funeral took place on Tuesday 10 April at Guildford Crematorium, Godalming, Surrey.

Anthony Charlton: "I was a student at Tollerton from 1958 to 1960 and would be interested in getting in touch with anyone who may remember me from those years. I am planning an extended visit back to the UK from New Zealand next year (2018) and it would be good to meet up with any of my old mates. I enjoyed your article, Michael Kerrigan, and remember well my time playing the "good angel" in Dr Faustus, urging you to repent."
Anthony Charlton link

Message from Andy Jackson: "Anybody from years 1971 to 1978 - welcome to get in touch with me."
Andrew jackson link

✞ RIP Fr Peter Wilkie died peacefully on Sunday 6th November 2016 and his funeral was on Tuesday 22nd November at St Mary's Cathedral, Regent St, Wrexham.

Message from Tom Clarke: "Would be interested in finding out about past students. I am only in touch still with Fr Frank Carvill."
Tom Clarke link

Iker Ortiz: "Hello, I attended St. Hugh's in 1970/1971, I was The first Mexican to go there, after me my brother Hector in 1973, and then a whole lot of my countrymen. Remember my classmates, Sean Cullen, Sean White, Maurice Daly (I think). The best time of my life, keep in touch. Best Regards."
Iker Ortiz link

Alan Fahey: "I have recently been in touch with Paul Jolley via email and we are both interested to know if anyone out there is in touch with ex Hugonians of our era (1970-1975)."
Alan Fahey link

Yvonne Burbanks: "I am part of the Tollerton Village History Group and would be delighted to hear from any former students who might be willing to share their great photographs of Tollerton Hall in the past."
Yvonne Burbanks link

Michael Kerrigan: "January 2015: A friend from my time in Rome asked me if I knew anything about another fellow-Roman, Brendan Howling - who was also at St Hugh's at the same time as I (I see from my old Hugonian that he was organist in 1959). If anyone has any information about him, we'd be very grateful; please message via the form on the Contact page."

John Groome: "I was at St Hughs from 1966/1967 and have now been living in New Zealand for 20 years. Just taken early retirement. Had a visit from one old boy a couple of years ago and it was great to catch up after over 40 years. If anyone is out this way the door is always open: Upper Hutt which is about 25 km north-east of Wellington. Telephone, home: 04-528-0105, mobile: 022-380-5492 or email:"
John Groome link

Christofer M Fay: "Re-visisted the web site again and have summoned up the courage to do some time travel and send my warmest regards to all those who may recall me from about '71 to '74'ish. I do feature in a couple of pictures and remember many of the "characters" named. I live in Folkestone now, overlooking the Channel and Harbour and would be delighted to meet up with any one nearby or passing this way via the Tunnel or Dover.....Telephone: 07866 824972 or email. All the best!"
Chris Fay link

(Check out also the Visitors & Old Boys link on the Yours page)